Thursday, March 14, 2013

Apple Volcanoes - Letter "V"

We made Apple Volcanoes for Letter "V"!
Apple Volcanoes
4 small apples
3 dried apricots, chopped
1/2 cup raisins
1/3 cup rolled oats
1 TBSP honey
2 TBSP butter
4 marshmallows
Mix raisins, apricots, oats and honey in a small bowl. If apples don’t sit flat, slice off a little on the bottom. Using a fork make fork pricks on the outside of the apple. Put the apples in a baking dish. Core apples with corer or knife, make sure there is a hole big enough to fill. Using fingers stuff oat mixture in the apples. Top with a pat of butter and bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until apples are fork tender. Take the apples out and place one marshmallow on top and return to oven until they begin "erupting"!:)

I had some left-over oatmeal mixture so I used 6 apples instead of 4.

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